New mode of gameplay variation on NPC in case of late-game


New member
I suggest an idea that so far I have not seen in this style of games, in case of exceeding a certain time of game, for example 20 minutes, and still was not destroyed any base protector temple, I suggest that there is a change in the behavior of the NPCs, the idea is to change the map or use a central point on the map where all NPCs begin to agglomerate, including the Patron, and the guardians, the patron would be changing to be a more robust Knight with more life and possibility to do more damage to all units, depending on the amount of remaining guardians certain team will have more advantage over the other, but it would be like a final battle between two armies to hurry up the game, taking like 5 or 10 minutes to finish it when one of the patron dies. This would be the suggestion to make the game style more dynamic.

I expect feedback from the community and developers, what do you think?