New Item Type - Devil Items (+3 Item concepts)


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New Item Type - Devil Items (+3 Item concepts)

Devil items are purchased from a Devil-ish Shop that opens up at 36 Minutes. Devil items have a dark-red icon and are quite powerful but have serious drawbacks. Devil items cost 6666 souls, cannot be sold, must go in a flex slot, and are destroyed on death.


Devil's Bargain

+66% Weapon Damage
+666 Bonus Health
+66 Spirit Power

Passive - Bargain
All non-devil items can be sold for 90% of their cost. However, you have 66% Heal Reduction.

Demon Fist

+66% Melee Damage
+66% Melee Lifesteal
+6.66m/s Move Speed

Passive - Demon Punch (6.66s)
Your next strong melee attack deals 1.66x damage, stuns for 0.66s, and cannot be parried. However, you cannot shoot until it hits an enemy.


+66% Ability Duration
+66% Ability Range
-66% Bullet Resistance

Active - Doom (66s)
Dooms an enemy hero - silencing, disabling healing, preventing item usage, and dealing 66 Spirit DPS for 6.66 seconds. Cannot be suppressed.


I know I went pretty hard on the 6's, but how does this concept sound as a late-game option? Lots of inspiration from Dota 2's Doom obviously (plus the Lion facet). Which one do you think is the best?
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As fun as these ideas are, I find these kind of items to fit better into a seasonal gamemode. Good ideas though.
I appreciate the feedback, a halloween-themed gamemode with these items would be pretty cool!

I'd like them to be similar to T5 neutral items in Dota in that you don't see them in most games (those are available at 60+ minutes). This plus the concept of items that are removed on death (Divine Rapier) gives you some iconic game-closers.
I'd like them to be similar to T5 neutral items in Dota in that you don't see them in most games (those are available at 60+ minutes).
I think that could work in this game as well. Just let it be available from 60 or 66 minutes and 6 seconds. You will by no means see them every game if at all, but they would serve to solve stalemates.