New Hero: Pitcher


New member
Given that Baseball has a long and prolific history in the USA, and especially in New York, I figure a baseball character with a twist would be interesting.

Pitcher would be a sentient pitching machine that has potentially gone rogue or has been converted into a weapon somehow. He could be a humanoid style robot with a head that is a big funnel shape to put baseballs into, in order to fire his weapon

His basic weapon fire would be shooting baseballs, and he would load more baseballs into his head to fire them out of his body or arm. His abilities could be themed around pitching and baseball in general, here is some concept ideas

Ability 1: Curveball; Shoot a baseball that curves around corners dealing damage and potentially having some other effect, has charges.

Ability 2: Strikeout; Every third headshot on the same target deals additional scaling damage (Passive ability)

Ability 3: Catch; the Pitching machine puts its head forward and eats projectiles for a short period of time and then shoots them all out back at enemies dealing the same effects they deal (or something else this could be a coding nightmare or imbalanced, I'm not a game developer I'm a dummy.)

Ability 4: Change-Up; Instead of pitching an actual changeup, the machine gets really angry, shakes violently, his head spins 180 degrees revealing the angry visage of a baseball player who puts on a helmet and pulls out a bat, this ability can be channeled for 2 seconds and then for a period of time he switches to being essentially a melee character that beats people up with a bat, dealing damage and knockback.

Overall: I feel as if the gameplay loop of this character would be to poke and deal damage at range, potentially using the 3rd ability as a save or way to help close distance without taking too much damage while ulti'd and then running in and finishing people off with the ultimate ability, the characters inherent weakness would be the lack of mobility which could be fixed with majestic leap, fleetfoot, warpstone etc.

In general I feel like baseball is incredibly American and this twist on the usual baseball type character would fit really well in the Deadlock world.