New Hero: Jazzy Jay, the Smoking Spear


New member
Jazzy Jay is a chill, easy going and fun man.
His clothes have a punk fashion, having graffiti style prints on them.
Jay's Spear is a long and sharp pipe, emanating smoke.
Overall, his attacks and abilities don't deal much damage, but it's more like death from a thousand cuts.

- Left Click
Jay throws his spear as a long range shot which damages Enemies and sticks to the first wall for 3 seconds.
He only has one spear, which will teleport back to him after 3 seconds. (in a poof animation)
While "Shuffling", He teleports to the spear instead

- Right Click
Jay cleaves with his Spear at close-mid range, releasing damaging smoke.
This Attack reloads in 2 seconds, after the pipe produces new smoke.
While "Shuffling", this Attack is replaced by the "Bouncing Spear Dance" Ability.

1- The Shuffle - Passive
While Jay is walking backwards, he shuffles, gaining 40% Bullet Evasion.
If he stops shuffling, this Passive incurs a 10 sec Cooldown.

Left Click: While shuffling, HE will teleport to the spear instead, dealing AOE Damage.

Right Click (Bouncing Spear Dance): While shuffling, He will instead cause his Spear to slide on the ground in a damaging line,
after it hits a Wall it'll bounce back to him, then,
he can "Right click" again to kick it forward and repeat this ability, but consuming 1 Stamina for each repeat.
Imagine russian squat dancing, but kicking a Spear back and forth on the ground.

1: His "Shuffled: Left Click" will deal more Damage.
3: + 20% Bullet Evasion
5: Each Kick will further increase his "Shuffled: Right Click" Damage.

2- Jazzy Party - 30 sec CD
Jay leaps in your current direction, landing and balancing on top of his spear for up to 3 seconds.
The tip of his spear will emanate a large area of smoke on the ground, which will cover Allies,
making them indistinguishable from each other. (Equalizes their size to a temporary standard, changing their hitbox to appear as smoke tornados)
If Allies exit the area, the smoke will linger on them for 3 secs.

1: Headshots are disabled on your Smoked Allies
3: Increased Leap distance
5: The smoke will linger for 3 more seconds after Allies exit.

3- Can't be too high... - Passive - 40 sec CD
If Jay taps his "Melee Attack Button" after a double Jump, he will slam down, grounding any flying Enemy caught.
Enemies damaged by this ability can't jump for the next 4 seconds.

1: -20 sec CD
3: Jay can Double Jump without spending Stamina (Now HE is getting too high :) )
5: + Damage

4- Funky Phalanx - Passive
Jay can HOLD his "Parry Button" to activate this ability. (90sec CD ; Shares Cooldown with the basic Parry)
He will channel for 6 secs to create a wall of smoke in front of him, obscuring the vision of Enemies.
At the same time, he will stab with his spear rapidly in a cone in front of him, damaging Enemies. (making it look like a phalanx)

While Channeling, he can't attack, cast, or jump, but he CAN move.
He can also Dash to temporarily displace his body from the center of the phalanx,
returning to its center after a short delay.

1: Dashes don't consume Stamina while "Funky Phalanx" is being channeled.
3: Jay can kick his "Shuffled: Right Click" while channeling this Ultimate.
5: +Damage

Main Combo:

Use "Jazzy Party" to land on top of your Spear, then Double Jump to use his "Can't be too High",
knocking down flying enemies and preventing jumps,
do "The Shuffle" and use the "Shuffled: Right Click",
the Spear will slide on the ground back and forth while the Enemies still can't jump.
You can use the "Funky Phalanx" to survive and finish them off.
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