New hero: Blossom


New member
Hero screenshot.png

ability 1: healing ray:
description: blossom locks onto a friendly hero by shooting a beam of magic out of each hand to the hero (within a certain range) can unlock from the hero at any time but will cause a cooldown when unlocked, when locked onto a hero they get healed at a constant rate however any damage that they take blossom also takes on top of her normal damage
upgrades: increase healing power while maybe reducing the amount of damage passed on to her on the higher upgrades

ability 2: reload aura:
description: all friendly's automatically reload
upgrades: radius of effected area increased

ability 3: shock grenade:
description: throws a small grenade knocking enemies back a lot and damaging them a little
upgrades: knockback force and also dmg

ultimate: healing zone:
description: shoots out a ball that hovers a little bit from where it was cast and while its active it heals friendly's in the radius but it can be shot down by enemies
upgrades: more healing power

small pistol witch shoots at a moderate rate but when zoomed in shoots slower but a bigger slower bullet that deals more dmg

image made with hero forge because I can't draw for the life of me and I have seen others use it