Nerf Vindicta (In German: Die fliege Fotze) – Feedback on Hero Balance

Dear developers,

First of all, I want to express my appreciation for all the hard work you’ve put into Deadlock and how the game continues to evolve. However, I’d like to provide feedback on the balance of one specific hero – Vindicta.

At the moment, Vindicta feels overwhelmingly powerful compared to other heroes, making it hard for players to counter her abilities. Her burst damage combined with her mobility makes her a difficult opponent to deal with, especially for less mobile or squishier characters. Additionally, her ultimate ability feels too strong, often turning the tide of battle single-handedly.

To improve the game’s balance, I suggest the following changes:

  1. Reduce the damage output of her primary abilities slightly.
  2. Increase the cooldown on her mobility skills, making her less elusive.
  3. Possibly reduce the effectiveness or duration of her ultimate ability.
These adjustments would help make Vindicta more balanced while still keeping her fun to play. Thanks for considering this feedback, and I’m excited to see how the game continues to grow!

Best regards,


Liebe Entwickler,

Zunächst einmal möchte ich meine Anerkennung für die harte Arbeit aussprechen, die ihr in Deadlock gesteckt habt, und wie sich das Spiel stetig weiterentwickelt. Ich möchte jedoch Feedback zur Balance eines bestimmten Helden geben – Vindicta.

Momentan fühlt sich Vindicta im Vergleich zu anderen Helden überwältigend stark an, was es schwer macht, ihre Fähigkeiten zu kontern. Ihr Burst-Schaden in Kombination mit ihrer Mobilität macht sie zu einem schwer zu besiegenden Gegner, insbesondere für weniger mobile oder zerbrechlichere Charaktere. Zudem fühlt sich ihre ultimative Fähigkeit zu stark an und entscheidet oft im Alleingang den Ausgang einer Schlacht.

Um die Balance des Spiels zu verbessern, schlage ich die folgenden Änderungen vor:

  1. Reduzierung des Schadens ihrer Primärfähigkeiten.
  2. Erhöhung der Abklingzeit ihrer Mobilitätsfähigkeiten, um sie weniger schwer fassbar zu machen.
  3. Möglicherweise Verringerung der Effektivität oder Dauer ihrer ultimativen Fähigkeit.
Diese Anpassungen würden dazu beitragen, Vindicta ausgeglichener zu machen, während sie weiterhin Spaß macht. Vielen Dank, dass ihr dieses Feedback in Betracht zieht. Ich freue mich darauf zu sehen, wie das Spiel weiter wächst!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

(In German: Die fliege Fotze)​

1. Das ist nicht das richtige Forum für Balancing und Feedback
2. Wirklich niemand nimmt dich ernst wenn du dich wie ein Zwölfjähriger verhältst
3. Vindicta ist nicht unbalanced, kauf knockdown oder lern richtig zu zielen
1. Das ist nicht das richtige Forum für Balancing und Feedback
2. Wirklich niemand nimmt dich ernst wenn du dich wie ein Zwölfjähriger verhältst
3. Vindicta ist nicht unbalanced, kauf knockdown oder lern richtig zu zielen
1. Okay, tut mir leid, das wusste ich nicht. Den Punkt gebe ich dir.
2. Ich bin kein Zwölfjähriger. Abgesehen von diesem kleinen Joke war meine Nachricht sachlich und professionell geschrieben.
3. Ich finde sie unbalanced. Außerdem habe ich relativ gutes Aim, aber was nützt mir das, wenn ich innerhalb von zwei Schüssen tot bin?
Vindicta is the worst design in the entire game if you ask me. I also do think she is ridiculously overpowered at the moment, but I also feel like this might be an opportunity to just change her kit up.

Just summing up her strengths on paper is already quite absurd:
  • One of the best lane bullies in the game. Very potent gun, very potent harass, albeit on long cooldowns
  • Can snowball the fastest out of all heroes in the game
  • Some of the highest gun damage in the game, only bested by the likes of Haze
  • Great mixed damage
  • Extreme nuke potential. Arguably the biggest nuke potential in the entire game. Only Vindicta can deal 500+ damage in a single hit in around min 6/7 (albeit conditional)
  • Scales very well into late-game
The real reason she is overpowered is because her flight strafe speed is way too high at the moment. Most heroes cannot properly interact with her when she is in flight, and those that should be considered good drafts - like Bebop, don't actually do much against her in her current state. She can airstrafe so ridiculously fast it's actually easy for her to avoid it. Stunning her does not counter her either. It inconveniences her at best. It is very unlikely a good Vindicta player will every die to Knockdown - as she can strafe so fast she will land in a safe spot when it triggers. It does work well against bad Vindicta players as they don't understand positioning. This is without even considering the fact players have to get very close to a Vindicta to even cast it on her, which is a massive risk in its own right (if she stakes you you're basically dead).

If there is 1 hero in all of Deadlock I would like to see reworked entirely it is Vindicta.
Some of this imbalance comes from items like sharpshooter. It give you additional 15m range before drop off (currently bugged doesnt give that buff), other stuff like ammo and weapon dmg and 200 bullet shield.
Can anyone explain to me why this item should give bonus survivability? the passive give 70% bonus damage while you are >15m away from your target. There should be no added survivability on a item like that. You get a huge bonus for staying away from enemies at the cost of nothing. No negative hp, or negative resistance, you get bonus survivability, this is crazy.

E: Her beeing able to fly basically forever gives her such a huge advantage over specific heroes, like geist for example, no chance to hit 1 because there is no ground around.
The added ability to dash mid air makes it also easy to dodge some skills or more a little bit around making landing shots on her difficult.