need item that requires extreme skill with gunplay

need items that requires extreme skill with gunplay😶, such as last hit kill that is a headshot gives some status buffs, or perhaps last hit kill that is a feet shot 💀
You could have put this all in one post, just as a note. There was no need to post it as three separate entries.

But, otherwise, this is not a good idea. First, the game already has skill gaps, but you seem to be implying it doesn't, and that everyone can just be high ranked without any skill or knowledge of the game. Which... makes no sense at all, honestly. Second, skilled gun-play is already needed in the game. So, again.... what are you talking about?

Over-complicating things with weird trick shots wouldn't add anything of value to the game. It isn't indicative of skill, its just noise for noise's sake. The kinds of players who could and would do these kinds of things would be minuscule in number, at best, and the type that have the time and interest to just repetitively muscle memory the timing. There are also other games for people who want to play that style of game. This is a moba. It's about team strategy, map awareness, positioning, etc.

Trick shots, though... not so much.
You could have put this all in one post, just as a note. There was no need to post it as three separate entries.

But, otherwise, this is not a good idea. First, the game already has skill gaps, but you seem to be implying it doesn't, and that everyone can just be high ranked without any skill or knowledge of the game. Which... makes no sense at all, honestly. Second, skilled gun-play is already needed in the game. So, again.... what are you talking about?

Over-complicating things with weird trick shots wouldn't add anything of value to the game. It isn't indicative of skill, its just noise for noise's sake. The kinds of players who could and would do these kinds of things would be minuscule in number, at best, and the type that have the time and interest to just repetitively muscle memory the timing. There are also other games for people who want to play that style of game. This is a moba. It's about team strategy, map awareness, positioning, etc.

Trick shots, though... not so much.
you dont know what real moba clearly your moba is prolly LoL🤣 with 0 skillgap.. you wouldnt understand that why in league theres no last hitting but in dota theres last hitting, real moba have a lot of small things to make more skill gaps... moba is about efficiency if you do all the small things... u hav all the skills.. you are the best, and my posts arent the same, youre like a karen in a street 🤣🤣 also.. im just posting ideas and hoping people will make new ideas from my ideas thats why i said "such as".
you dont know what real moba clearly your moba is prolly LoL🤣 with 0 skillgap.. you wouldnt understand that why in league theres no last hitting but in dota theres last hitting, real moba have a lot of small things to make more skill gaps... moba is about efficiency if you do all the small things... u hav all the skills.. you are the best, and my posts arent the same, youre like a karen in a street 🤣🤣 also.. im just posting ideas and hoping people will make new ideas from my ideas thats why i said "such as".

You aren't even posting ideas though, you're posting the concept of an idea and hoping other people do the work for you lol

If you want to contribute to the discussion in this forum then you either need to come up with your own ideas or add feedback to other ideas people have posted, not spam the board with basic thoughts
these skill gaps i am introducing is not something
You aren't even posting ideas though, you're posting the concept of an idea and hoping other people do the work for you lol

If you want to contribute to the discussion in this forum then you either need to come up with your own ideas or add feedback to other ideas people have posted, not spam the board with basic thoughts
u just cant understand cant u, even if its basic thoughts i will post it... as i have said real moba have lot small basic things. youve not moba you play repetitive low iq brain rotting game so wouldnt undertstand😂
these skill gaps i am introducing is not something

u just cant understand cant u, even if its basic thoughts i will post it... as i have said real moba have lot small basic things. youve not moba you play repetitive low iq brain rotting game so wouldnt undertstand😂

Your basic thoughts are uninteresting and don't have enough meat on them to actually discuss anything

Also shut up lmao:


Not that my playtime in Dota has anything to do with being able to see things for what they are


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