need help/ check my replays


New member
i really need to know what to improve on so i'd genuinely appreciate it if any of you could watch this replay (29 mins) and tell me what i can do better.
match id : 27474992
pictured below are the builds i use and the stats of the match
General Lane Phase

  • Wasted all ammo spraying pointlessly; either land our shots to harass or contest the push (hit the minions)
  • Need to focus on confirming/denying soul orbs
  • When the 3rd wave comes in, we ignore lash and try to melee the wave, needed to play behind our wave
  • ~2min Mo gets hooked; we're reloading, throw your Kudzu
  • ~3 min Mo gets hooked and dies, we're at <200 HP; need to back up and shop or reset; ideally we wait for mo to get back before killing the wave (so that the souls are shared)
  • ~4:30 min Mo gets hooked; we ignore this entirely and just try to push? should look to throw our Kudzu to help him escape and back up ourselves so we don't get flanked
The first 5 min make it fairly clear we need to focus on learning laning, you'll want to look into understanding wave states, when to push, pull, freeze etc
General Lane Phase

  • Wasted all ammo spraying pointlessly; either land our shots to harass or contest the push (hit the minions)
  • Need to focus on confirming/denying soul orbs
  • When the 3rd wave comes in, we ignore lash and try to melee the wave, needed to play behind our wave
  • ~2min Mo gets hooked; we're reloading, throw your Kudzu
  • ~3 min Mo gets hooked and dies, we're at <200 HP; need to back up and shop or reset; ideally we wait for mo to get back before killing the wave (so that the souls are shared)
  • ~4:30 min Mo gets hooked; we ignore this entirely and just try to push? should look to throw our Kudzu to help him escape and back up ourselves so we don't get flanked
The first 5 min make it fairly clear we need to focus on learning laning, you'll want to look into understanding wave states, when to push, pull, freeze etc
Thank you