Mr. Lumpy [Tank/Support]


New member
[I hope the developers will understand and forgive me, I used a translator. If you don't like my thoughtful character, I hope it inspires you! Good luck with the development]

Main idea:
The boulder should be the main tank, hold the line for a long time, have a lot of HP and armor, but at the same time get by with low area damage and low speed (one dodge).

It looks like a Golem, made up of many stones of different sizes, but with a small cauldron on its head. Of course, you can also give him a full-fledged worker's uniform, but here I have two opinions: I like both options.

Left mouse button:
A swing of the hand forward tears off the stones at the fingertips by inertia and sends a pellet forward.
Reload: Grows a hand.
Right Mouse Button: Sends the entire hand out, dealing increased damage. (Slow projectile).
Reload: Grows the hand.

Has increased melee damage


1. My Save: The stones of the hands change Form and cover the front part of the body of the Block. Receives a shield.
If no damage is dealt, the skill will not be recharged (at the discretion of the development department)

2. Look how I can!: The Block curls up into a ball and takes the form of a ball. Starting to quickly rotate (you can change the course) dealing damage and pushing away enemies. During activation, the Block laughs in a very low voice in a good-natured way.

3. Bodies like a Mountain: Passive skill. The Block gets -20% to damage (maybe more or less, because this needs to be tested)

4. As if it fell from a mountain: The Block curls up into a ball and jumps to a height, turning back into its original body, heads back down with prepared fists, causing great damage over an area.
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