Movement abilities with cast time will succeed after being silenced by picking up the Soul Urn


This effects a number of characters and differs in strength depending on the ability. I'm assuming this isn't intentional as you cant usually use these while carrying the urn

I would assume during regular gameplay silence should not cancel active abilities but in the case of the urn it should probably be canceling any active wind ups at the point that it applies the silence , even if they are still winding up
Ivy - Hard to get off due to flight moving you out of range, very strong abilityView attachment ivy_urn_mp4.mp4

Wraith - very easy to get off but you remain visible due to the urn, not very strong at all
View attachment wraith_urn.mp4
Kelvin - Feels intentional as urn can be picked up while casting
View attachment kelvin_urn.mp4
Viscous - Very hard to setup due to wall bouncingView attachment viscous_urn_mp4.mp4
I think this effects any wind up ability but you get the idea