Moonshot (Anti-Gravity Active)


Active member
Open a portal to space which slowly sucks all heroes, troopers and spirit projectiles upwards.

Moonshot | 3000
+15% ammo
+7 Spirit Power​
Active (28s)
Open a rift to space above the target location. all heroes, troopers and spirit-based projectiles near the rift will be pulled upwards exponentially. Enemy heroes which enter/touch the rift are silenced for 3s and released from the pull, falling down to the ground. Spirit projectiles are redirected deep into space.​

Use Cases:

- Anti Turtle: throw behind props to force hidden enemy heroes up into line of sight.

- Anti Spam: throw between you to deny all spirit-projectiles from reaching you, as they are diverted upwards into space (ex: wraith card, shiv blade)

- Punish: Trap enemy heroes indoors by anti-graving them, preventing door use.

- Mobility: anti-grav influences movement, so for example if you slide-dash through the rift's AOE, you will slide through the other side having gained a bit of height and/or speed.

- Stall: Throw it in lane to slow down minions.

- Rejuv Denial: throw into the pit to pull heroes away from rejuv device.

Upward momentum is slow(3m/s) for heroes, medium(6m/s) for troopers, and very fast(10m/s) for projectiles.

How the rift interacts with heroes is subject to change based on player feedback and experimentation from the devs implementing it. Could potentially can the hero anti-grav and simply have it be an anti-projectile item.

Movement abilities override anti-grav. (For example, Lash's groundpound will still impact the ground regardless of rift. Shiv can dash downwards or sideways out of it.)
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