Monk with Shotgun nunchaku

Designed around each ability being re-castable for a 2nd effect/combo chain potential
Obviously needs sweet Bruce Lee style normal attacks


I'll Try Spinning:
leap up and hover a short distance by spinning your weapon. Activate again on landing for a small AoE blast providing a 2nd short hop
Flying Kick: Leap up and propel forward dealing spirit damage. Activate again on impact you hop straight up off the enemy's head
Karmic Barrier: Create a brief vortex that stops enemy projectiles. Activate again to launch them back

Ultimate: Basically Single Target Omnislash. Activate again to leap into a short hover, pausing the timer. Actvate a 3rd time to re-target the remaining ult
There's real potential here, and your MS paint drawings are really selling it. Nunchuck guns. Good idea. Spinning nunchucks to stop projectiles? Good idea.

Another idea that I'm weighing favorably here is the idea of timing reactivating an ability for a combo effect, ala Paper Mario, or Legend of Dragoon, or I don't know what else. That adds to the martial arts feel of the character, I think. You can make that work. Probably not for every ability though.
Maybe only 1 ability can be retriggered but each spell button performs a different follow up. Kinda like entering a stance in a fighting game

Ex: flying kick autojumps off the enemy and each button is a different follow up. 2nd flying kick to a different enemy/ slam down for a ministun/shield spin that backdashes