Modifier Cast Change Interferes with Dynamo 2 Saves


New member
I am posting this as a bug report because I believe that this was an oversight and not intended behavior.

Previous behavior:
Holding modifier key and pressing an ability with an alt mode will instantly trigger the alt mode. Extremely useful for dynamo teammate saves, I could simply hold mouse4 and press 2 to grab a teammate from danger. The ability would cast the moment I pressed 2 in the direction I was facing.

New "merged" behavior:
Holding modifier key and pressing dynamo 2 will bring up a menu that asks you to confirm where you want to cast it, requiring an additional input during a moment where you may only have a split second to achieve a save. Especially since these saves are often chained from other items or abilities that require their own inputs, e.g. canceling ult into 2 save, canceling or positioning rescue beam into 2 save, canceling early aurora into 2 save when being jumped on, etc.

In general, I don't think dynamo 2 should even have a confirm menu, but being able to play without a confirm menu before and having it forced on me now by a control scheme change is both disorienting and disadvantageous.