Mismatched item cooldown between client and server

I was unable to use the item Curse in the final teamfight of match 6996916, despite it showing as being off cooldown in my inventory. This made me unable to interrupt a big Seven ult that ultimately wiped out our team. The item's icon in my inventory showed that its cooldown ended just as the teamfight got started, but I tried to use it multiple times and the game just kept showing me an error message stating that there were still 20-30 seconds remaining on the item's cooldown. I had multiple cooldown reducing items, so I'm guessing the CDR didn't get properly applied to my item server side, even though it did on my client.

After the fight I mentioned in team chat that I was unable to use my item, and the Warden on my team said the same thing happened to them.

Here's a screenshot of the first time I tried to use Curse during the teamfight. At this point my hotbar showed that the item was still on cooldown for another 1.9 seconds, but the error message said that it would still be on cooldown for another 30.3 seconds, which is mechanically what actually happened.

Here's a video of my PoV starting from the time I last used Curse successfully (pardon my rust):
View attachment Deadlock - Curse Not Usable(1).mp4