Misleading Wording on Haze Fixation & Bullet Dance


New member
Fixation's ability description is
Shooting a target increases your bullet damage on that target. Gain one stack per bullet hit, two if the hit is a headshot.
However, this is confusing as the ability actually increases weapon damage. "Increasing bullet damage" implies it increases the base bullet damage on a target by 0.2/0.35, not increase the weapon damage against that target by 0.2/0.35% (which is what it actually does). This makes the ability sound considerably stronger than it is, and could be better reworded to:
Shooting a target increases your weapon damage on that target. Gain one stack per bullet hit, two if the hit is a headshot.

Bullet Dance states
Enter a flurry, firing your weapon at nearby enemies with perfect accuracy and added Spirit Damage.
And Intensifying Magazine states
Increase Weapon Damage as you continuously fire your weapon.
But intensifying magazine does not proc when using Haze' ult. This is either an oversight or wording that could be improved by making it clear it only works on left clicking weapons. (which seems more consistent as Shiv/Yamato do not proc intensifying on their right click attacks either)
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