Mischief ( weaver with a portal gun )


Clown Character with spirit magic up his sleave ( and a shotgun)

1) Piano: pull a string and a piano magically drops from above and smashes anyone below it. Slows and deals more damage based on distance traveled.

2) Bump bomb: (has charges) hold a stack of live TNT, after a certain amount of time, blow up and bump anyone away from the center of the explosion. Can be thrown before the explosion.

3) portals: like the portal gun in the game portal.

4) Time Warp (think Braid time rewind mechanic): turn back time on your hero, reverting all animations and abilities used, if you stop in the middle of an animation from a previous ability, the ability will retrigger from that time. If you revert time past the point of using the ability it goes back off cooldown (except time warp)

Gun: pump action shotgun

Portals would be giga broken. Some limitations would need to be put in place sadly.

Bullets and spells can go through it, but If one player goes through, the portal closes.
Portals have a max limit to how far away they can be from each other.
Portals can only be on walls

this shit is wack as hell and not balanced please make it
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design is all over the place but i like the play potential.

bait the enemy by placing one portal but hold the other one for mind games.

bump bomb enemy into portal (broken af unless max range inbetween the portals is not too punishing)

use time warp to escape back into the portal

time warp for double piano

bump bomb into time warp into bump bomb again. can be used offensively or defensively.

I doubt this would ever work but it was fun to think about.