Mirror traveler (w concept art)


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Ok, hero might be experemental, i tried to play the gameloop in my head so it would be kind of OP and kind on not OP at the same time, so not sure if all the kit works well without oversights. I wanted a hero which can go into the mirrored world though mirrors, should be played stealthy/ganky. 1st ability has the griefing potential, but i dont think it should cause too much problem, with some tweaks and changes maybe itll be more balanced but not making hero too conplicated inline with other hero designs. For the ulty there were many ideas but i stuck with this, and thought it would be cool for it having additional effects if used from the mirrored world. Maybe the kit should be revorked or changed a bit, so the slogan of a hero would be "think with mirrors" :p. Main weapon not really sure, just a wrath type of smg or 3-shooter (thought about giving the ability to mimic enemy weapon, but with this ulty its kind of redundant). Maybe you have some ideas for this concept?
P.S. 3rd ability is passive
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Very interesting concept.
I think folks in the mirrored world should be coloured differently instead of invisible, as I feel the latter would be too confusing. Also, the folks in the mirror world should probably only be able to walk so far from the mirror, like a large sphere around the mirror.
I think a cleaner way to give the character a way to break mirrors would be to make him deal more (3x for example) dmg to mirrors, that way he can reliably always break them before the enemy can.
It'd also be neat if projectiles shot at the center glass of the mirror went inside of the mirror world, that way you could use mirrors as a sudo shield of sorts, with the borders still being damagable.
Correct me if Im wrong, but the 3rd ability makes it so that when you walk into a mirror, your model still shows up on the map and thats how you can still be killed (thats how I understood it) and if that is how that works, I feel the mirror should also break as that copy dies, forcing you into the real world again. I think you can streamline it further by making it so only you can apply the Shattered image debuff, and you activate it by shattering the mirror, and if enemies shatter the mirror while a debuff is active, it heals them instead, similar to how shattering the mirror while inside MW either heals/damages you depending on who shatters it.
As for Reflection, I think its great! Rubick style ability with a completely different base kit, but I feel like it still works and fits the character, nicely done.
As a last suggestion, I feel like shattering the mirror on enemies and even perhaps the shattering image debuff should both stun, both for more utility and because I feel like theyd need it, as they dont have much defense if they get jumped
Thanks. Yea for the mirror having a some sort of radius of its influence crossed my mind, thought for mirrors to be permanent before and when you go out of this circle you force urself into the transitional state when you get your health back for the allies and damage for the enemies before you pop out in a real world. but then i just thought maybe make mirrors temprory but you're able to traverse the mirror world freely to get out of sketchy situations, but it could be too OP if the mirror is indistructable and you just can yeet away though the map without any consiquences and the only way to get you is to go though your mirror where you still be in a disatvantage (speed slow). For invis actually thought what if we had a rikimaru type of play, stealth-ish, but for being in this mirror world taking damage wouild lead to the same concequences as for you dealing damage from it would be benefitial to activly play though your mirrors. but i like the way you thinking, it might soften some rough corners fomr the gameplay. mirrors could be like beacons for for safe and advantageous gameplay, sort of like McGinnis!
AND mirrors having absobtion is cool idea, maybe they could actually reflect projectiles which would damage enemies, paradox on stedoids?

P.S for the 3rd ability: so in my mind all the people if they are in a separate world could not interact with each other (potentionally enemies could hide there from your allies too, so its not only for me only use), but you're only invisable in the mirrored wolrd, but when you start damaging you reveal yourself yes, so yea when copy dies i tried to force you out of this mirrored world by having this debuff, so you think whats more profitable for you rn, have a potential death situation from stacks but and escape opportunity, you leave/break the mirror for cleanse.
Oh also if you're interested, had the ulty idea of an arena with mirrors on its perimeter, and you can back and forth into the mirrored world. and damage your target from there while being safe (unlike chiraly works from both worlds), thou they could also go in M.W. to get you. And all these mirrors can ricochet projectles, making its more chaotic. But tbh like the idea of copying people more fitting. still intreesting concept imo.