Mirage Suggestion: Add Target Location Vision Mechanic for Traveler Skill


New member
The Traveler skill in the game allows a player to select a visible enemy on the map and, after a few seconds of channeling, teleport directly to that enemy’s location. However, using this skill comes with significant risks, especially in solo queue or situations where there’s limited communication with the team. I believe adding a vision mechanic for the Traveler skill would help reduce some of this risk and improve the skill’s usability without compromising game balance.


Introduce a vision mechanic that grants the player a way to observe the target location during the channeling phase of Traveler. This will give players more strategic insight into the area they’re about to teleport into, making the skill less of a gamble and more tactical.

Suggested Vision Mechanic Options​

  1. Partial Vision During Channeling:
    • While channeling Traveler, the player gains partial vision of a small radius around the target enemy’s location.
    • This vision should show basic outlines of structures or nearby units without revealing precise movements or exact positions of additional enemies.
  2. Auxiliary Camera Perspective:
    • During the channeling process, pressing a specific key allows the player to switch to an auxiliary camera that shows a third-person view around the target enemy.
    • While in this view, the player’s main body becomes vulnerable and cannot move or shoot, and the camera view has a limited duration (e.g., 2 seconds).
  3. Pre-Teleport Vision Pulse:
    • In the final second before teleporting, the player can trigger a "Vision Pulse" that briefly reveals the area around the target enemy, allowing for last-minute decisions to either proceed with or cancel the teleport.
    • This ability could have a cooldown or limited uses per game to prevent overuse.
  4. Dynamic Mini-Map Display:
    • During channeling, the mini-map displays a small area around the target enemy dynamically, highlighting nearby enemy hero moving within that space.

Balancing Considerations​

Adding a vision mechanic could potentially impact game balance, so a few limitations should be considered:
  • Limited Duration/Radius: Keep the revealed area small and the vision duration short to avoid giving the Traveler skill too much scouting power.
  • Cooldown or Resource Consumption: Triggering vision abilities could consume additional energy/resources or have a cooldown period to prevent spam.
  • Player Vulnerability: During any auxiliary camera or vision pulse usage, the player’s original character could be rendered immobile or unable to attack, adding a risk factor.
Implementing a vision mechanic for Traveler would allow players to make more informed decisions when using the skill, especially in high-risk situations or when communication is limited. This would make the skill more reliable and enhance the overall strategic depth of the game.

For example Omen in valorant have similar mechanic: