Midboss rework


New member
Hello everyone,

I understand that the mid-boss is still under development, but I wanted to add a few thoughts.

I believe that the boss should be more mobile to fit with the shooter mechanics. It should actually pose a challenge to kill him. I think we need to add some phases and abilities to him, as well as increase his damage, and his power should increase as the match progresses. Right now, the boss doesn't really pose any threat to the team, it's just a green blob that hangs in the air and deals mediocre damage to a single character. I think we should draw inspiration from bosses in Doom or similar shooters, where battling the boss is a real challenge for the entire team, not just holding down LMB on his hitbox.

If you share my opinion, please suggest your own ideas for implementation. Thanks.
Right now iirc he isnt scaling like other objectives in mobas. Also making him too strong with current buff descent mechanic are gonna make him viable only if all 6 enemies are dead for full 40 seconds when you start. Those who take mid boss without taking atleast 4 people out of enemy team, is risking their game. Not to mention certain characters like bebop, warden, haze and etc can solo whole team if they stack in there.

Its better to rework him whole or leave it be before this comes as priority in devs handbook.
They could prob update the boss to do multi-target damage and have more movement perhaps... Not sure if that would make it more enjoyable though, increasing the challenge/difficulty should probably also imply a greater reward... In this scenario would the opposite team still have the ability to steal rejuv from you?
They could prob update the boss to do multi-target damage and have more movement perhaps... Not sure if that would make it more enjoyable though, increasing the challenge/difficulty should probably also imply a greater reward... In this scenario would the opposite team still have the ability to steal rejuv from you?
I think the issue with the reward is solvable. I meant that the very concept of a boss as a static hitbox is not quite suitable for a MOBA SHOOTER. The game has many cool mechanics from shooters (quick reload, dash, double jump, low ammo sound and etc.). I think it would be much more interesting if the boss could move and had weak zones, which would facilitate their targeting and dynamics in the process of fighting him. Add here the abilities of the characters and the boss and you get an exciting boss fight
I think the issue with the reward is solvable. I meant that the very concept of a boss as a static hitbox is not quite suitable for a MOBA SHOOTER. The game has many cool mechanics from shooters (quick reload, dash, double jump, low ammo sound and etc.). I think it would be much more interesting if the boss could move and had weak zones, which would facilitate their targeting and dynamics in the process of fighting him. Add here the abilities of the characters and the boss and you get an exciting boss fight
By this do you mean that you'd like it to be more challenging ? The challenge of beating the boss shouldn't trump the challenge of beating the other team...
I just dont think people are looking for challenge in the pve part of the game when there's already so much to deal with outside of that. You make a challenging mid boss that everyone has to focus hard to deal with, exhausting their cooldowns and someone else just swoops in to take it, doesn't sound fun to me.