

New member
Merasmus from TF2 is a beloved character and a wizard who would fit well into the setting of Deadlock. I do not think it would be much of a stretch to say that Merasmus managed to get stuck/went to the world of Deadlock and now wants to use the power of the Patrons to return home/ bring back his friend Soldier (Rick May tribute).

Gameplay wise I believe he should be a ranged caster that fits the typical mage archetype in other games as that archetype is not well represented in Deadlock at the moment.
Weapon: Staff of Merasmus - fires a green projectile that explodes in a small radius (smaller than Yamato alt fire). Scales with spirit.
Ability 1: Swarm of Bats - Fire a swarm of bats that explode on impact. Upgrades to gain a knockup. Has charges.
Ability 2: Shadow Leap - Fire a ball of smoke that does no damage but teleport to the location it lands. Upgrades to grant a shield
Ability 3: Pumpkin MIRV - Throw a pumpkin that splits into multiple other explosive pumpkins that explode when shot or hit with spells. Upgrades to not be destroyed when enemies hit them.
Ability 4: BOMBINOMICOM! - Pull out the Bombinomicom to channel its powers by unleashing a torrent of bombs in an area around Merasmus. While channeling Merasmus has increased defenses (shields or resist). Upgrades to grant cc immunity.

Merasmus should play like a mage who wants to sit back and combo his abilities at range to deal damage and provide space for his team and utilize his Shadow Leap in combination with the BOMBINOMICOM! to go for all in plays.