Mendax, the Storyteller


New member
Mendax the Storyteller is a versatile hero who wields a blend of offensive, defensive, and support abilities. He can unleash a powerful laser that damages enemies and heals himself, gaining additional damage/healing when targeting healthier foes. Mendax also can strategically place bookish traps that harm and slow down opponents who dare to walk through, he also is able to protect his rather weak defensive stats with a robust shield that reduces debuffs and enhances healing. When a big team fight breaks out he is capable of summoning a shadow monster to aid his damage output, shorten cooldowns, whilst increasing his ammo capacity, transforming him into a formidable force on the battlefield.

magicstudio-art.jpgA rough AI made representation of what he would look like. An older man with years of experiences (and stories to tell) holding a book in one hand and a (mechanical staff) in the other. His staff is capable of transforming into a gun of course!

1: Shattering Storytelling
After a small-build up shoots a laser that does damage to enemies and heals Mendax for the damage dealt. Does additional damage based on 20% of the difference between Mendax and the enemy’s HP (only if the enemy has more current HP than Mendax.) Can’t move initially while casting laser (gained via upgrade)
Cast Time: 1.0
Duration: 1.0
DPS: 100 (10 ticks of dmg/heal)
Length: Roughly 15m. Width probably around 2-3m.
CD: 30

Visually it's like a super short bebop ult pretty much.

2: Cliffhanger Traps
Puts down a field of bookish traps. Enemies that step or go through the traps take damage and are temporarily slowed.
Damage: 45
Slow: 25%
Slow Duration: 0.6
Trap Duration: 10
Diameter/Length of Trap area: 10m
Diamter/Length of an individual trap: 1m
CD: 25

Visually: 1722054843732.png

3: Studious Shield
Creates a bullet and spirit shield for Mendax. While this shield is up provides debuff reduction and increases healing received.
Shield Amount: 150
Debuff Reduction: 40%
Healing Increase: 25%
Duration: 9
CD: 25

Visually: It's a shield so ye.

4: Monster come to Life
Creates a shadow monster to empower Mendax. This shadow monster removes damage drop off, increases bullet damage and spirit damage. Reduces cooldown of his other abilities and increases ammo amount.
Duration: 10
Bullet damage increase: 25%
Spirit damage increase: 25%
Cooldown reduction: 25%
Ammo Increase Amount: 25%
CD: 120


-15 sec CD
+1 Duration
Applies a 40% slow and Mendax can move while shooting the lazer, he himself is 40% slowed.

+25 DMG
+25% increase in AoE/amount of traps.
Slow affects fire rate. +15% slow

Grants 10% of Max HP to shield amount. Healing can now recharge the shield
+10% debuff reduction/+5% healing
Other Bullet or Spirit shields Mendax has will provide half the bonuses of E passively.

-40 sec CD
+15% bullet dmg/ammo
Kills or Assist during the duration increase the duration by 3 seconds.

Low starting HP, low ammo and average dmg on gun. Reliant on smart positioning and spells early on but through his ult lets him become a late game monster in both spirit and bullet damage. With late game shield and smart itemization allows him to be a quasi-tank. His 1 allows him to change the tide of battle quickly but is reliant on other spells to lock down enemies enough for it to do so. His Traps can force an enemy to fight instead of run or take damage and be slowed trying to escape. His shield allows him to live a bit longer in engagement without being naturally tanky. His ult allows him to adapt to the game and during team fights lets him fill the need of the team in terms of dmg. Fulfils a niche support role but comes alive later with items.

hope u enjoy