Melee Item Ideas


New member
All these items can be tweaked in various ways, these are just ideas.

Upgrade to Spirit Punch. Passive can be a variety of things.
-Further Increases Melee Damage
-Can increase how much Spirit is temporarily gained
-Can give more spirit if the player charge-punches instead
-Causes melee attacks deal spirit damage, and scale with Spirit, enabling them to benefit from Spirit items and Spirit-damage passives

Rending Blows
-Increases Melee Damage
-Meleeing an opponent causes them to temporarily lose Bullet Resist (and possibly steal it to your own temporarily)

Seasoned Brawler
-Increases Melee Damage
-Can have Melee-attacking temporarily increases movement speed
-Could halve the stun duration if you are parried
-Could cause parrying to temporarily buff your character or debuff the enemy (bullet resist, added melee damage/movement speed, anything works)
-Increases the animation speed of charge-melee attacks, causing it to hit faster from the initial wind up

Lastly, can we have Melee attacks benefit from existing weapon upgrades? Like Lucky Shot, Silencer, Tesla Bullets, Mystic Shot, etc.