This item is a bit funky, and truthfully I don't think it's good, but I thought it might be interesting.

The idea for Melee Dunk is to introduce a utility aspect for meleeing that the other melee items don't grant. Melee Charge, Lifestrike and Spirit Snare all lean heavily on landing a heavy melee, which makes them inconsistent to use on most of the current playable roster.
So Melee Dunk was made as a weird utility item built around light meleeing, allowing the user to spike meleed enemies towards the ground.
The spike and stamina reduction only applies to enemies hit in the air, and the knockdown properties only proc from Heavy Melee hits.
Melee Dunk is meant to be used as a utility/defence tool. If you're parkouring up a building, you could spike someone chasing you down to street level. Alternatively, you could use it to prevent someone jumping/flying away from you.
It grants characters like Lash or Holliday another way to deal with airbourne enemies. It could be used as a combo tool from moves that launch enemies upwards like Lash stomp or Dynamo stomp, although that would generally be pretty inconsistent to land.
The stun only applies from Heavy Melee attacks, since light melees are usually unreactable and wouldn't be fun to fight against, especially since Calico and Viscous have abilities that proc light melee effects.
It wouldn't be an upgrade to Knockdown, since it requires getting up close and doesn't apply the stun on grounded opponents. Remember that Knockdown is more expensive, so it should be generally better.
Originally this was going to be a T3 item with stronger stats, but since the item is intended to be used defensively, I figured it would work better as a T2 item since it's hard to land, and otherwise you might as well just get Knockdown. There's no increase to melee damage, since the item isn't designed to be used as part of a standard melee focused build.
-The spirit resist reduction applies to normal melee attacks, unrelated to whether the enemy is airbourne or not, while the stamina reduction only applies to airbourne enemies.
-Since the stun is much harder to land, the duration is higher then knockdown.

The idea for Melee Dunk is to introduce a utility aspect for meleeing that the other melee items don't grant. Melee Charge, Lifestrike and Spirit Snare all lean heavily on landing a heavy melee, which makes them inconsistent to use on most of the current playable roster.
So Melee Dunk was made as a weird utility item built around light meleeing, allowing the user to spike meleed enemies towards the ground.
The spike and stamina reduction only applies to enemies hit in the air, and the knockdown properties only proc from Heavy Melee hits.
Melee Dunk is meant to be used as a utility/defence tool. If you're parkouring up a building, you could spike someone chasing you down to street level. Alternatively, you could use it to prevent someone jumping/flying away from you.
It grants characters like Lash or Holliday another way to deal with airbourne enemies. It could be used as a combo tool from moves that launch enemies upwards like Lash stomp or Dynamo stomp, although that would generally be pretty inconsistent to land.
The stun only applies from Heavy Melee attacks, since light melees are usually unreactable and wouldn't be fun to fight against, especially since Calico and Viscous have abilities that proc light melee effects.
It wouldn't be an upgrade to Knockdown, since it requires getting up close and doesn't apply the stun on grounded opponents. Remember that Knockdown is more expensive, so it should be generally better.
Originally this was going to be a T3 item with stronger stats, but since the item is intended to be used defensively, I figured it would work better as a T2 item since it's hard to land, and otherwise you might as well just get Knockdown. There's no increase to melee damage, since the item isn't designed to be used as part of a standard melee focused build.
-The spirit resist reduction applies to normal melee attacks, unrelated to whether the enemy is airbourne or not, while the stamina reduction only applies to airbourne enemies.
-Since the stun is much harder to land, the duration is higher then knockdown.