Melee damage does not correctly display items with Melee Damage modifiers


New member
Steps to replicate:
  1. Purchase any items with "Melee Damage" as a modifier (Melee Lifesteal, Lifestrike, Colossus, or Spirit Strike)
  2. View Light/Heavy Melee damage breakdown by mousing over Weapon tab in lower left corner of screen.
Expected result: Modifiers are correctly displayed (Melee Lifesteal is 15%, Lifestrike is 40%, Colossus is 20% + 10%, Spirit Strike is 15%)

Actual outcome: Modifiers are being incorrectly displayed as ~63% of their actual value.

Melee damage 4.PNG
Melee damage 5.PNG
The whole melee calculation displayed is just very wrong. Throwing my own screenshot in here 'cause the numbers add to bigger than the total its very easy to see how broken it is.