Melee changes


New member
Making melee more viable, at the moment it seems to be outshined by everything item wise, while also being exstremly underwheelming and can be easily countered.

Making melee items stronger, or a few more in the higher cost,
I have a small item idea:

500 souls ish:

Counter move

Makes you able to cancel your light/heavy melee into a parry.

while this may be considered as an overall change, by putting this into a item, it encourage building into melee, and utilizing more of the melee system.

an upgrade could be

3000 souls

light and heavy melee is faster, 1/3 times faster in charge of heavy, and 1/3 faster on light melee strike.

I don't know about passive, but these are just ideas. also, can we get characters that have melee weapons (Yamato?) to swing their sword instead of fists?