Melee attack need be more responsive with buffer on third of the attack animation


New member
When pressing a melee attack after a melee attack, the press is not buffered and a new attack does not occur. This problem is especially noticeable after a strong attack. After it, there is a small pause in which you want to press the button and expect the character to hit again, but this does not happen. To make the game more responsive and predictable in terms of player expectation and reality, it is worth adding a buffer that will register presses in the last third of the attack animation.
I think cooldown is separate from the button buffer. With the buffer, we visually see that the animation has ended or will end soon, we press the button at the end of the animation, the game remembers press and plays another hit. In this way, we do not make any acceleration of attacks or remove cooldown after hit, the game just becomes more responsive to the player's actions.
I believe that's intended. You suffer a low 'cooldown' after a heavy attack.
And I suffer not because of cooldown, but because I can't visually understand when the animation has ended and when I should press the button. Since there is no have button buffer, I need to spam the button or learn the timing. Visually, the animation has already ended, but the game still does not register the clicks for some time. This feels very disgusting when playing.
And I suffer not because of cooldown, but because I can't visually understand when the animation has ended and when I should press the button. Since there is no have button buffer, I need to spam the button or learn the timing. Visually, the animation has already ended, but the game still does not register the clicks for some time. This feels very disgusting when playing.
Yes I completely understand, and I have the same experience as you do. There's only 2 possible reasons for this to be happening:

1) It's a buffer issue. The cooldown after an empowered attack is not synced with the actual animation, thus creating confusion

2) It's intended to be this way, as a skill gate

I'm hoping in the latter, but you never know with pre-alphas!
Yes I completely understand, and I have the same experience as you do. There's only 2 possible reasons for this to be happening:

1) It's a buffer issue. The cooldown after an empowered attack is not synced with the actual animation, thus creating confusion

2) It's intended to be this way, as a skill gate

I'm hoping in the latter, but you never know with pre-alphas!
Maybe, maybe. But I think that in a modern shooter such things are simply inappropriate. Getting used to this timing is not a big problem, but it is just a very unpleasant thing that creates inconvenience. In the game, you very rarely need to press melee attack often in a fight with people, so knowing the perfect timing does not give the skill difference. Usually we use attacks to finish off creeps, often you are out of focus pressing buttons in them and notice that your press is stupidly not registered and you get discomfort because of this.

If this is the first option, then I hope they fix it.
If this is the second option, then I hope they come to their senses and fix it.
Adding a buffer in general would be great. A good example of why is Yamato's 2nd skill Flying Strike, there's an awkward delay after arriving to your target where you can't do anything. It would nice if as you zip over to someone you could press X to buffer cold front for example so it'll go off as soon as it's available. This easily applies to all other heroes and item interactions. And I would suspect it's why parrying may also feel like it doesn't always register for some.
On a second note on melee' the hitbox/netcode part of it is not great. Sometimes you get hit even though the enemy melee animation is FAR off coming close to you.