Melee affected by Toxic Bullets, Soul Shredder and Slowing bullets

Club Sandwich

New member
This may not be a bug, but I think it's a bit confusing that these three items (there are more) apply their on-hit effects to melee attacks. Is that intended, even though the tool tip specifically says they apply to "your bullets"? It seems like other items with effects that modify "bullets" don't alter melee attacks (mystic shot, medic bullets, escalating resilience, tesla bullets, etc.).

List of items I know of that list on-hit effects to bullets, but apply on-hit effects to melee as well:
slowing bullets, inhibitor, silencer, soul shredder, toxic bullets
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I did some testing with all the items with a tooltip stating on-bullet-hit. The ones that apply on melee are:
Toxic bullets
Slowing Bullets
Soul Shredder Bullets
Point Blank (at least the slowing portion, cant test the damage)

The rest do not. Can be very powerful considering the generous melee hitbox for strong effects like Silencer.

Most effects that state on-bullet-hit dont work for melee siphon bullets, escalating resilience, like infernus/haze/seven 3.
Just ran into this. I don't mean to necro, but this confirmed on my end. Tooltips say bullets, but it works for all attack.

Either the the tooltip should say attacks or additional logic should be in place to check for bullets only.