McGinnis Wall Not Stunning Haze While Ulting


New member
MatchID: 14347107
Could also be a skill issue.
Thought I got Haze a couple times while she was ulting. McGinnis wall stuns other people out of ult or abilities but not Haze's Ult.
I am unable to download the replay, it keeps saying "Error Replay not yet ready for download" and considering the match was over half an hour ago, I suspect it might be an issue on my side.

Can you double check if you had T5 wall, and if you did have T5, check to see if the times she didn't get stunned if Haze had activated Unstopable. Wall does not stun people under the effects of Unstopable.
I am unable to download the replay, it keeps saying "Error Replay not yet ready for download" and considering the match was over half an hour ago, I suspect it might be an issue on my side.

Can you double check if you had T5 wall, and if you did have T5, check to see if the times she didn't get stunned if Haze had activated Unstopable. Wall does not stun people under the effects of Unstopable.
That was it. I missed the unstoppable. just a skill issue