McGinnis turrets DPS cap due to animation limit


New member
Turrents are affected by passive Heroic Aura, but activating it - doesn't increase their fire rate and DPS is not increased.
I think this is due to a hardcoded fire rate limit to keep animations from breaking.

Previously (before 11-21-2024 update), activated heroic aura increased fire rate, thus increased overall DPS,

Test replication:
Placing turrent to a dummy and letting it shoot for 24s. One test is with active heroic aura, the other with passive heroic aura only.

Test results:
With active Heroic Aura total damage is 1140, with each shot doing 10 damage.
With passive Heroic Aura total damage is 1140, with each shot doing 10 damage.
With both active Heroic Aura + T1 "Medical Spectre" (firerate boost) total damage is still 1140.
Results are exactly the same

Seems like there is a cap on how fast turret can shoot. After 11-21-2024 update fire rate is doubled which makes reaching this cap too early, by either T1 Medical Spectre or Heroic Aura


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