McGinnis turret cooldown can be entirely skipped


New member
While using abilities or items that give McGinnis an extra charge of her turret, the item/ability can be refunded and repurchased to refresh the cooldown leaving only the in-between charge timer of 5 seconds

This can be done as many times as the user desires and is most abusable with her T1 turret upgrade, though its also entirely doable with items at no cost (if they stay within the radius of a shop)
To perform:
1. Use all turret charges
2. Purchase item or T1 turret upgrade
3. Use the charge(s) given
4. refund the item/ability and repurchase

Doing this reset's the turrets cooldown, letting you drop a turret every 5 seconds, repeatable as many times as the user wants.

A possibly(?) simple fix, Just making the ability/item unable to be refunded (ability) and make the item ineligible for full refund (item @ store) as to make such a thing a complete waste of souls.
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