McGinnis is Held Together by Duct Tape – Every Known McGinnis Bug


New member
I've been playing a lot of McGinnis for 7 months, and I’ve run into a ton of bugs that mess with how she plays. Some are just annoying, while others completely break her abilities or make her unreliable in fights. I wanted to compile everything in one place so the developers could have an easier time fixing bugs instead of having to waste time trying to find them themselves. After all, we're here to playtest the game, so I want to help as best I can because Deadlock has so much potential!

I have spent the past week compiling every McGinnis bug that my community and I know about into this document: McGinnis Bugs Doc

I will paste the bulk of the bugs into this post, but the Google Doc has more videos and images in it, so take a look!
If you have any questions, feel free to message me on Discord! My username is: reythepastel

List of bugs:
Turrets are still giving 20 hp per boon instead of the listed 30 hp per boon

Turret DPS does not show properly on the tooltip. This is because their fire rate was nerfed by 20%. This also makes their spirit scaling less effective and the +45 DPS less effective

Turret DPS at base: 32
Listed DPS at base: 40
32/40 = 0.8

Turret DPS at t2: 35
Listed DPS at t2: 40
35/40 = 0.875

Turret DPS at t3: 76
Listed DPS at t3: 85
76/85 = ~0.894

Turret DPS at base with Boundless Spirit: 59 (32+27)
Listed DPS at base with Boundless Spirit: 74 (40+34)
59/74 = ~0.797
27/34 = ~0.794

Turret DPS at t2 with Boundless Spirit: 66 (35+31)
Listed DPS at t2 with Boundless Spirit: 74 (40+34)
66/74 = ~0.892
31/34 = ~0.912

Turret DPS at t3 with Boundless Spirit: 106 (76+30)
Listed DPS at t3 with Boundless Spirit: 119 (85+34)
106/119 = ~0.894
30/34= ~0.882

Turrets applying Escalating Exposure removes your sprint and puts you into combat speed

Turrets applying Mystic Reverb removes your sprint and puts you into combat speed after the Mystic Reverb’s damage hits

Ult targeting circle sometimes isn't actually where the missiles land
Ult often snaps to terrain weirdly and doesn't follow your cursor up slopes
Ult has to be targeting a ground surface to begin ulting but can then be aimed into the air

Turrets cancel Magic Carpet if they shoot an enemy
Turrets cancel Magic Carpet if they shoot an NPC

Turrets don't drop souls if killed within the 4-second minimum life period

Turrets don’t drop souls when killed by a minion

Guardians and Walkers target turrets for the full first 4 seconds even after its been marked for death

Yamato’s grapple can go through McGinnis’s wall

Turrets can not hit stunned targets because they aim too high
They can't hit Calico’s Ava form because of the same issue
Turrets can not hit a Mo and Krill in burrow
Turrets can not hit enemies that are in rabbit form

While stunned with wall placed, it still shows the prompt to remove wall
While stunned right after using wall, but before placing it, it still shows the prompt to erupt wall

Sometimes, turrets don't use a charge when used

If you echo-shard wall, you can’t drop the second one after dropping the first one

During ult, the camera zoom gets reset if you use Unstoppable, Colossus, or Vampiric Burst during ult. This also removes the aiming circle.

Turrets often miss and hit map geometry because they aim from a different siteline as its shots come out from and its shots have a bigger hitbox than its siteline

Wall does not consistently go above or below bridges

Wall often auto deploys undesirably

Ult Rockets go astray when hitting a corner of map geometry

Ulting on someone inside of Viscous’s cube will cause the rockets to swarm around the cube for a few seconds before flying off wildly
(Bonus viscous bug: Barriers take damage through the cube)

Turrets can not target the first phase of patron unless you are in the pit

(It's not McGinnis-specific, but it's been in the game for months.) You can fully build up Intensifying Magazine ramp-up and then hold out a quickcast ability, and IM will not ramp down, so you can then cancel or use the ability you've been holding out, and you get the full ramp-up instantly

When turrets are placed right on an edge of map geometry, it sometimes will visually be thrown all the way down to the ground and then teleport back up and place in the air right over the edge

Turrets can be placed inside of some walls if precisely placed with quickcast

Ult camera resets to normal zoomed-in angle after being hit with Paradox’s Paradoxical Swap

If wall is placed on an ulting viscous, the viscous can get trapped in the wall

The explosion from Grey Talon’s Guided Owl is not blocked by Spectral Wall

Wall segments sometimes place on top of Kelvin's Ice Dome instead of inside

(Me trying to play McGinnis)
Valve please revive Mcginnins :c, the game has not been the same since the huge nerfs, and she can barely be played now, turrets are very bad, ult has a high cd, gun is not the best. it has been very hard to play her in a useful way.