mcginnis charged rockets


currently mcginnis' abilities are pretty lame, especially her ult. there's really no reason to ever use it because it's weaker than her gun and makes her incredibly vulnerable. she's already slow and squishy as it is, and as such i only ever use it to kill guardians or creeps when i absolutely know that i won't get interrupted, but even then, most of the time i just shoot them anyways because it's just faster. her rockets should instead use charges and apply knockback. further more, they should not in any way alter your camera or movement. instead, you should be able to shoot while firing rockets simultaneously. they should fire in a straight line to wherever you are aiming with your reticle. they should still be weak, as there is no longer any need to make them strong, since you have the additional bullet damage from shooting as you normally would. this knockback should also be self-applied, enabling mcginnis to rocket jump. she's really weak, not having any good stun, burst damage, or movement abilities. she also has one of the worst dodges in the game and she's incredibly slow, in addition to low health. the turrets are basically free souls until you completely max them out, but even then they aren't really that good when compared to other abilities. this change to rockets would give her a way to be more effective in a fight, as currently she's the underdog in almost every matchup, and you're forced to play incredibly cowardly as a result until you get an exceptional amount of souls for gun upgrades in the very late game. perhaps most importantly, this change to rockets would be FUN. a lot of the abilities in this game, while effective, are not particularly fun to use or fight against. this is especially true for mcginnis. the most enjoyable thing about playing her is her gun, she probably has one of the most fun to use guns in the game, along with bebop and shiv.
McGinnis Ult is more used as backup and utility rather than pure dps. Not all ultimate abilities are the strongest in their kit. Take Dynamo for example, the first ability is by far the strongest on him.

Its great at long ranges when you want to support the team but dont have the health, its great to prevent someone from getting away. It deals AoE damage so great against camping/hiding players. It also slows so its decent long/mid range for turret builds.
Its not the strongest one-shot ultimate ability because the rest of her tool is very strong already, and i think thats just fine.
McGinnis Ult is more used as backup and utility rather than pure dps. Not all ultimate abilities are the strongest in their kit. Take Dynamo for example, the first ability is by far the strongest on him.

Its great at long ranges when you want to support the team but dont have the health, its great to prevent someone from getting away. It deals AoE damage so great against camping/hiding players. It also slows so its decent long/mid range for turret builds.
Its not the strongest one-shot ultimate ability because the rest of her tool is very strong already, and i think thats just fine.
i'm not asking for it to be a one shot, i'm asking it to be worth using and more fun. the only people you're really gonna kill with it are stunlocked or are just new and don't know that mcginnis is an easy kill when she ults. healing for mcginnis comes easy. having a quick rocket charge would be a lot more interesting gameplay wise.
It's good to catch people using cover and supprisingly managed to use it twice in one defence 1v4, killed 2 and pushed them back. She is pretty stock tho compared to other heroes I find her quite boring haha
mcg ult is Crazy Strong during laning, and it's also still really good lategame when you need to force people out into the open
also her wall is crazy goated, and the dispenser is good sustain, and the turrets are, well, turrets.........
mcg ult is Crazy Strong during laning, and it's also still really good lategame when you need to force people out into the open
it does less damage than her gun and you can counter it by just getting in her face. the stare straight up to point blank trick doesn't really work because you can't see anything. the dispenser hardly heals for anything until late game when it lasts forever. the turrets are glorified creeps until late game as well, and they're too slow to deploy to use in a moving teamfight effectively. she's just a noob stomper. easy to counter if you have a brain. the way you beat mcginnis is to gank her when she has no turrets up. she has no escape or stun or burst damage, it's a free kill. the wall is easy to get around as well, just wall jump over it or take a different route. plus the wall is her only real defensive option, so with that on cooldown it's even easier to nuke her.
McGinnis Ult is more used as backup and utility rather than pure dps. Not all ultimate abilities are the strongest in their kit. Take Dynamo for example, the first ability is by far the strongest on him.

Its great at long ranges when you want to support the team but dont have the health, its great to prevent someone from getting away. It deals AoE damage so great against camping/hiding players. It also slows so its decent long/mid range for turret builds.
Its not the strongest one-shot ultimate ability because the rest of her tool is very strong already, and i think thats just fine.
I mean tbf, there's a difference between a backup and a useless ult, when I play mcginnis i basically use my ult maybe 3 times a game and only to clear a camp or wave around the 10 minute mark, any other time, it's completely useless
Spirit build McGinnis' ult is extremely dangerous. Mystic/Improved Reach, Mystic Vulnerability/Escalating Exposure, and she can kill you even behind solid cover.

McGinnis works however you build her, and her skills are more or less useful in fights depending on how you build and play her. Full stop.

I apologize for how messy this is, I did it in a rush. But I hope it conveys my meaning.


it does less damage than her gun and you can counter it by just getting in her face. the stare straight up to point blank trick doesn't really work because you can't see anything. the dispenser hardly heals for anything until late game when it lasts forever. the turrets are glorified creeps until late game as well, and they're too slow to deploy to use in a moving teamfight effectively. she's just a noob stomper. easy to counter if you have a brain. the way you beat mcginnis is to gank her when she has no turrets up. she has no escape or stun or burst damage, it's a free kill. the wall is easy to get around as well, just wall jump over it or take a different route. plus the wall is her only real defensive option, so with that on cooldown it's even easier to nuke her.

i don't disagree that turret mcginnis is kinda mid, but the thing is that her gun is basically the most dominant direct fire in the game (esp when coupled with intensifying mag, lucky shot, etc). you do not need more direct fire harass in your kit on top of that.

the thing about mcginnis is that if you get farmed, you are basically unstoppable. your kit (turrets, heal, wall with stun, rocket artillery) are really effective at helping you secure that: you have turrets for slow + flank warning, you have dispenser for sustain, you have wall for creating space (and debuffing and stunning), and you have the ult for a strong push on structures from behind creeps while you reload or whatever. It's incredibly dominant for asserting lane control as you can smack enemies that are trying to hide around a corner in their shop or whatever playing for denies, you can hit them from stairs when they back way behind tower, etc.

It's incredible threat potential in general, up until you have enough of a gun build online to not need it anymore, and that is totally reasonable given how effective a farmed mcginnis is
i don't disagree that turret mcginnis is kinda mid, but the thing is that her gun is basically the most dominant direct fire in the game (esp when coupled with intensifying mag, lucky shot, etc). you do not need more direct fire harass in your kit on top of that.

the thing about mcginnis is that if you get farmed, you are basically unstoppable. your kit (turrets, heal, wall with stun, rocket artillery) are really effective at helping you secure that: you have turrets for slow + flank warning, you have dispenser for sustain, you have wall for creating space (and debuffing and stunning), and you have the ult for a strong push on structures from behind creeps while you reload or whatever. It's incredibly dominant for asserting lane control as you can smack enemies that are trying to hide around a corner in their shop or whatever playing for denies, you can hit them from stairs when they back way behind tower, etc.

It's incredible threat potential in general, up until you have enough of a gun build online to not need it anymore, and that is totally reasonable given how effective a farmed mcginnis is
all heroes do well when farmed. that doesn't really mean much. other heroes scale better than her as well. nobody picked or banned her in aurora master's tournament for a reason. she's only good against players that don't know how to counter her.
I like this idea, and even if you don't use a charge system and keep the channel you could still use the knockback as a mobility tool though it might work more like Mini-sentry boosting for Engineer in TF2. Giving the choice to use the ult for damage/knockback on the enemy or knockback based mobility for yourself adds more depth to the hero and helps solve her mobility issue. If it stayed channeled and not charge based I would probably make it so that the knockback does not disable other channels as that could be too strong.

Not to say that charges are a bad idea, in fact having it work similar to Trizooka from Splatoon 3 but with knockback could be very fun. This would also add more skill to the ult requiring you to aim it and 3 charges could give you great mobility if rocket jumping from TF2 is anything to go off of. Plus if you give it an arc it can fire over barriers in ways that other ults like Sevens could not.
Her ult absolutely slaps if you build enough spirit power NGL. It's great at catching out opps that are trying to hide behind guardian or by their shop especially if you have the first upgrade. It rewards good positioning and timing. Even 1/3 of its cool down going into a squishy can hard carry a fight. Not to mention most of her power budget is in her turrets in the first place
Her ult absolutely slaps if you build enough spirit power NGL. It's great at catching out opps that are trying to hide behind guardian or by their shop especially if you have the first upgrade. It rewards good positioning and timing. Even 1/3 of its cool down going into a squishy can hard carry a fight. Not to mention most of her power budget is in her turrets in the first place
If you've ever ulted on top of a Dynamo ult with a Spirit McGinnis, you understand bliss. :D