Max Payne style hero

Haze already sorta fulfills the "wacky twin-gun dasher" role, but I could see her Smoke Bomb ability to be reworked into something more useful like a bullet time dive (idk maybe I'm just not utilizing it right, it just never feels useful in a combat situation both attacking and using Haze).

The Max Payne 3 multiplayer handled multiplayer bullet time pretty well by having it where only enemies within eyesight also enter into slow-mo with slower aim than yours. If it were Haze's loadout, bullet time might work by activating in tandem with Fixation.
Haze already sorta fulfills the "wacky twin-gun dasher" role, but I could see her Smoke Bomb ability to be reworked into something more useful like a bullet time dive (idk maybe I'm just not utilizing it right, it just never feels useful in a combat situation both attacking and using Haze).

The Max Payne 3 multiplayer handled multiplayer bullet time pretty well by having it where only enemies within eyesight also enter into slow-mo with slower aim than yours. If it were Haze's loadout, bullet time might work by activating in tandem with Fixation.
Im not really talking about bullet time i just want hero who can dash and shoot at the same time. Bullet time could also be used in someway but i don't see it working very well.
Im not really talking about bullet time i just want hero who can dash and shoot at the same time. Bullet time could also be used in someway but i don't see it working very well.
wait everybody can dash and shoot at the same time. You even get infinite ammo while doing it