Matchmaking is completely unbalanced and opaque


New member
I previously had a 57% winrate overall and my games were quite balanced. Fun games and everyone tried, comebacks were had, etc. After these latest patches I am continuously being given completely unwinnable games with toxic teammates who seem to be purposefully throwing games. I'll block out the names for respect, as I am sure many of them are new players, but this is still ridiculous after having lost 7 games in a row due to people being toxic and feeding

3 people who walk down lane and die all game, two go 1/10 and another goes 3/10

exact same thing, except even worse this time. 1/4, 0/9, 1/5, 0/8, 0/8

and again...

plus 4 more times. then they of course say "gg" and "/ff" early, and of course after saying to just stop dying and focus on winning i am met with the classic

this guy said he was a new player so I ask him to watch guides instead of throwing the game

what am I doing wrong? every game I get into is completely toxic now and it's increasingly difficult not to just abandon, but I know that people are being permanently banned for that behavior so I just have to wait until we lose while my team "fuck you" to each other in voicechat... really hoping they fix this mmr system somehow or at least queue newer players together


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