Matchmaking doesn't pair premade group


New member
4 games in a row now I have been thrown on a lane with a random player, as well as my teampartner. Last match we actually had another pair of two players who were premade, where each of us laned together with a person from the other group, which made lane swapping easy since they wanted to swap as well but still I'd like to lane together with my mate from the beginning.
Yeah, i cannot find a reasoning for me to team up with a friend just so we get split in game and go with randoms which also makes communicating harder and most of the time creates frustrating expiriences. We need the old way back when we could every time play alongside the premate. I dont say the balancing system is bad i think that there should be a respect prioritizing premates. Not to mention that most of the games this happen to other teammates too so the end up force-swap which ruins laning even more and creates unwanted and unecessary toxicity just by that. Since we dont get to choose lanes or have something like draft-pick league wise , at least we need to do that in order to keep it enjoyable with friends and have a better communication and impact in games in general.
Even if they have a good reason to split up pre mades into different lanes for their algorithm or match making or whatever, its still not worth it. Because people usually negate it by manually swapping to lane with their friends anyway.