Major ( summoner / tank ) concept art


New member
I want to introduce you to my concept of a hero named Major. It is no secret that my favorite hero Lone Druid served as a great inspiration for me and for the most part I tried to transfer him to the realities of Deadlock, I also tried to implement microcontrol of the bear to make it more interesting. I did not write out exact numbers for the abilities and the hero, since I think there is no point in this until you test the hero
I also want to apologize for the errors that may be in the text.
As for me, the hero turned out to be universal, he can be collected both through mystical damage, and physical, even through close combat, or become the most tanky in the game
Taha, I laughed when I got to the ultimate. This is great. I love the theme, like a Russian bear-man. The abilities are really well thought out. This fulfills the fantasy of a hunter for me.

I think that the cocktail is a very interesting ability, and I'd love to see this ability find the right balance in the game, where it presents a significant threat to enemies over an extended engagement.

The one area I can see room for improvement is with the functional details of the ultimate, in terms of what details are important to flesh this ability out with a very strong role alongside the rest of his kit.
What a coincidence, i myself posted a hero concept about a man who fused with a tree spirit and his left arm is that of a tree.
Not complaining, not at all, just flabbergasted that two similar concepts where being made at the same time.
Great minds think alike huh?
You did good, keep it up.