Magnetic Coat - 3000 Soul Vitality item that pulls item drops towards player and pushes enemies away.


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With all the crates and jars around the map, there are tons of souls and permanent buffs to be gotten thru-out the game, but actually picking them up can tend to be a chore, especially if they are out of the way. Well worry no more, there is a solution, the Magnetic Coat! This item would function as a magnet or gravitational (Pull) for bags of souls and permanent buffs, pulling them toward the player making collection a breeze. But that's not all, getting jumped on by an Abrahms or Mo & Krill that's ready to punch your head in as you play a squishy Vindicta? Just use the repulse active, sending out a blast (Push) that knocks back enemies who are close to the player, giving you a chance to escape or turn the tide of a fight.

With the lack of 3000 soul Vitality items, this new coat could make a good addition to the shop, giving a new way to farm to some of the more mobile heroes who like to run around the map and hit all boxes they can find, while also having some defensive capabilities and a slight increase to tankiness.

Below is a mockup of the item in game, stats obviously subject to change based on balance.

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I like the active, but no so much the passive and that is mostly because I think it would grief your teammates who crack open boxes while you are nearby. That could easily be solved by the passive only working on boxes you open up.

The active blast also needs to break open boxes.
That could be a solution, my idea is that when you break a jugg/crate, it would have a 1 second linger time before moving, plus it would take a moment to actually travel to the player. This would give teammates a fair amount of time to grab it. That being said, I do think the item holder should get some priority on such item drops.