Magic Mop


Active member
Initial idea is a support-type item to reduce the debuff duration of an ability used on an ally that is cheaper, but also not as strong as something like "Debuffer Remover"

Example would be something like Wraith ult duration being reduced by less than 30% (maybe 20% as a starting point) and applying a temporary "all-damage" barrier of 100 to reduce damage associated with an ability (again using the damage applied when a hero is dropped from Wraith's telekinesis as an example), to increase ally survivability in fights.

Imagine this would be a $1,200 soul item cost under the Vitality category with an active use, could be a passive with a very small aura that has a cooldown associated with it, to create some rng as to who will be dispelled, but ideally I would want this to be a player decision.

So something like this to kick things off:

Magic Mop
Vitality Item
+100 health to hero
When active is used gives an ally 20% debuff duration for 1.5 seconds and a 100 "all-damage" barrier.

Feel free to make suggestions of course!