Maestro- A Jazz based hero


New member
Maybe I watched Whiplash too recently, but I think it would be fun to do one or even multiple music based heroes.

If one character, I think a collection of different force based music attacks and defenses, if multiple heroes, maybe two partners, one who is more percussion based, one who is more horns/reed instruments.

I think in keeping with the motif, a lot of the joy of this character would be the sound effects that the powers could generate, and ideally this would be a hero where they could use their powers in quick succession, and they would overlap with each other. So for example an AOE would generate a tempo, and then an attack would generate the horns that would be in line with the AOE tempo.

In terms of gameplay, as sound is air vibrations, I'd assume a character that has a lot of push and pull abilities vs grapples or stuns. So battlefield control over 1v1 or ganking.

Just as an example:
A full ensemble controlling the battlefield.

1 - Tempo
An AOE attack that deals damage and mini-stuns to a beat.

2 - Bell Ringer
A horn grenade that pushes all enemies away from the center of the blast.

3 - Freeform
An AOE buff to allies and creeps that increases attack speed and mini heals (to the same beat as Tempo)

4- Brass Tacks
Massive horns erupt from Maestro's back, the outer two horns blow away outer enemies, the inner two horns pulling in your target.


"Big Band" from Skullgirls
Violet hargreeves from Umbrella Academy
Cowboy Bebop soundtrack


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