Lucky Shot does not work on Haze


New member
I just tested this in the sandbox with a friend. We tested firing at the target dummy, troopers, and each other. The slow appears to apply but not the bonus damage.

Interestingly, when shooting someone in the head it works backwards. Your damage will be consistent except for occasionally doing almost half damage. This does not happen when shooting the target in the head without Lucky Shot.

It appears that when Haze uses Lucky Shot she cannot apply the bonus damage, but can apply the slow. When Lucky Shot procs on a headshots it appears to actually lower the damage of the shot by almost 50%.

It works fine. You are misinterpreting what's happening because of how the floating damage text sums up the damage with Fixation.
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Idk whether or not it works normally but for a long time it didn't work with Haze's ult Bullet Dance. Same with other items like Tesla bullets. Only some bullet-triggered effects work with the ult. Makes me wonder why so many Hazes get those items when they don't work at all with the ult.
Idk whether or not it works normally but for a long time it didn't work with Haze's ult Bullet Dance. Same with other items like Tesla bullets. Only some bullet-triggered effects work with the ult. Makes me wonder why so many Hazes get those items when they don't work at all with the ult.
She has more combat potential than just pressing R and things like Tesla are for farming/pushing lanes between her vanish cds.
She has more combat potential than just pressing R and things like Tesla are for farming/pushing lanes between her vanish cds.

Ricochet is all you need for farming and it is a multiplier on her ultimate. Tesla is a bait IMO. Regardless, I'm simply pointing out that some stuff works with her ult and some doesn't.