LT/RT gets stuck on death


New member
Playing with a Dualsense controller. On death, RT randomly gets stuck, stopping me from attacking. After a few more deaths in a real match, LT also got stuck, preventing me from zooming.

Crouching switches both to stuck On instead of stuck Off, which lead to a weird back half of the match.

Happened both in a real game and the lane training. (The lane training is short enough that I only observed RT getting stuck).
Happened in a bot game even after I swapped triggers and bumpers. When I tried the mouse, Left/Right-click also were stuck at that point.
Another pair of clues:
1. When RT is stuck on respawning, the gun has a spark like it's charged.
2. It didn't happen until later in the match this time.
Maybe there's some ability that I bought that causes this. I need to try buying one at a time and dying after each.
I was able to trigger this after shooting, on the first death, with Talon.
Private match 6,557 is the most recent.
I had a similar issue when playing a match earlier today on Vindicta where my input was stuck with Mouse and Keyboard after dying. Required a full game restart to resolve as the issue persisted between games