Loves Me Not (Active item)


New member
Alternative name: Romantic's Faith
An item that does 2 mechanics. The mechanics are switched in sequence 1 > 2 >1 > ...

1 > Sacrifice your health for a fire rate boost
2 > Burst heal
Cooldown between the uses is fairly long to ensure you can't use both in the same fight

The idea is to have to plan for fights way before they happen. You could use Skill 1 in a fight if you're sure you're able to survive, or use it while still safe to heal in the middle of a fight, in case you need that extra health. The drawback is whatever the choice ends up being, you're locked into having to use the other skill to get an upper hand. Or play around both.

The exact skills, stats, cooldown and price are up for debate. The important part is the sequential nature of the item. "Loves me, Loves me not..."
For discussion's sake, I'd put it at 4,250 souls. +15% Weapon Damage, +125 Bonus Health.
Active 1
-600 Health, +25% Fire Rate for 7 seconds.
Active 2
Heal for 450 health
CD - 40s