Louie "The Double" Booker | Babe Ruth/NY Yankees inspired illusion hero


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Louie "The Double" Booker
Art and Inspiration
Louie draws heavily from Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, and other Yankee icons. He's a big guy with a big personality to match.


No name is more synonymous with Mystic League Baseball than Louie Booker. His ability to simultaneously hit, pitch, and run makes him a one-man team. Not one of his 25 teammates has seen play since he joined the New York Yankseers. This lack of onfield variety doesn't bore fans, as Louie's larger-than-life personality and colorful public life keep eyes glued. But regardless of Louie's many sins off-field, papers can't deny that he plays the best game of any baller.

But Louie faces a career crisis. He's set the records, but competition is closing the gap. His game has been studied, and his plays are copied. If Louie wants to stay in the spotlight, he needs to reach the next level. Thus, Louie has come to the patrons with a simple bargain: I'll knock some heads, you give me bread. (Ancient Spectral Manabread. Louie has more money than he knows what to do with.)

In the spirit of Babe Ruth, Louie is an "aggressively friendly extrovert and natural showman." Louie is a bit cocky and can be insensitive. He's not known for his faithfulness to his lovers and is a gambler. Since his vices are the talk of the town, he's owned up to the fact that he's a flawed human being.

Louie's abilities center around creating and using short-duration hero illusions called echoes. Using his first ability, players can strategically place echoes or tag them on enemies to deal damage that scales with their weapon damage. Echoes could be thought of as an innate ability since all abilities have a way to create an echo. More information on echoes is in the notes section of Batter Up.

His second ability gives movement and a defensive buff, while also reducing its cooldown when moving through echoes. He can use this flexible ability to disengage, reposition, and chase. He also has a passive that boosts his damage when using stamina, helping him get more value from his echoes. Upgraded versions of both abilities boost Louie's survivability and echo interactions.

When in team fights or when attempting to execute an enemy, Louie can use his ultimate ability to deal a lot of damage on a single target, with a diminishing effect on nearby enemies.

The hopeful outcome with this hero is a character who can persistently deal damage, move quickly during fights, and split push well with his echoes. Louie might be best considered a bruiser-type hero.


1 - Batter Up: Throw a spectral baseball bat that creates an echo of you on impact. Echoes fire at nearby enemies, prioritizing heroes. They deal 50% of your attack damage as spirit damage at 75% of your fire rate.

If the bat hits an enemy directly, it will deal damage and create an echo that follows the enemy at 100% of your movement speed.

Press [1] again to stop the bat early and create an echo.
  • Impact Damage: 50 Spirit
  • Echo Duration: 3 Seconds
  • Echo Attack Range: 40m
  • 1 Charge
  • Charge Cooldown: 3 Seconds
  • Charge Restore: 12 Seconds
  • LVL 2: +1 Charge
  • LVL 3: +40 Damage on impact and slow for 30% for 3 seconds.
  • LVL 4: +1 Charge and Batter Up echoes last 2 seconds longer.
The echoes continuously mimic your attack rate, weapon damage, and movement speed. Any increase or decrease will be reflected in the echoes.
Echoes have an infinite-sized ammo clip.
Echoes can fly alongside enemies they are chasing.
Echoes tagged on an enemy cannot be dispelled by debuffs but can be outrun.
Echoes have their own vision and can only attack what they can see. They will not attack invisible enemies.
Echoes share their vision with your team.
Echoes will attack at ranged or melee, based upon proximity to the target.
Echoes are invulnerable and cannot be killed.
Echoes remain in place after their targets die.
Echoes have a 2-second fade time after their duration is up. They will not attack or move while fading away, but effects that interact with echoes, such as Spectral Rush's cooldown reduction on touch, will still work.
Echoes do not have collision.
Multiple echoes can attack one target.
Echoes have great aim, but not perfect.
You don't need to level this skill for other skills to create or interact with echoes.
Batter Up's Baseball Bat is thrown similarly to Lady Geist's Malice.


2 - Spectral Rush: After a quick channel, you take on a ghostly form and gain the ability to fly. During Rush, you gain 35% bullet and spirit resistance and gain +10 movement speed.

Touching an echo will decrease Spectral Rush's cooldown.

  • Channel duration: .5 seconds
  • Range: 30m
  • Maximum Flight Duration: 3 Seconds
  • Echo Cooldown Reduction: 20%
  • Cooldown: 12 seconds
  • LVL 2: Empowers your next attack with 50 spirit damage. Lasts 5 seconds.
  • LVL 3: Echo collision gives +1 second to Rush duration. Pulse Echoes provides half.
  • LVL 4: Create an echo after the channel. The echo becomes active after .5 seconds and benefits from Spectral Rush. It lasts as long as your Spectral Rush duration. This echo does not interact with Rush's touch effects.
You can still attack and cast spells while in flight.
Flight functions like gaining no clip in other Valve games, except you still have collision.
An Echo can only reduce cooldown once.
Touch cooldown reduction is a passive. It doesn't require being in Spectral Rush for it to work.
Spectral Rush will move you to the target as directly as possible.
Rush Echo doesn't channel Spectral Rush. It will simply start rushing when active.
Rush Echo benefits from the empowered attack bonus.
Rush Echo prioritizes the closest enemy hero. It can move and switch targets freely.
If your Spectral Rush is dispelled, then your Rush Echo will fade away.
An interrupted channel will not create an echo.


3 - Adrenaline: Using stamina gives a 10% weapon damage increase.

  • Duration: 2 seconds.
  • LVL 2: Gain 15% spirit lifesteal.
  • LVL 3: Leave behind an echo that can attack twice. It activates after .5 seconds and lasts 3 seconds.
  • LVL 4: +1 stamina and +15% fire rate.


4 - Echo Ball: Channel to pitch a wicked ball, dealing damage and stun on impact. The force of impact creates a pulse that deals damage, slows, and creates echoes on enemies. The pulse gets weaker the further it travels. Pulse deals 75% more damage vs. non-heroes but does not spawn an echo.

Channeling in midair will stop you from moving.

  • Channel time: 1.25 seconds
  • Impact Damage: 125 Spirit
  • Impact Stun Duration: 1 second
  • Max Pulse Damage: 100
  • Min Pulse Damage: 25
  • Max Echo and Slow Duration: 4 Seconds
  • Min Echo and Slow Duration: 1 Second
  • Max Pulse Slow: 25% slow
  • Min Pulse Slow: 0% slow
  • Pulse Max Radius: 20m
  • LVL 2: +10 max radius
  • LVL 3: +1 max duration, +1 minimum duration
  • LVL 4: +25% max slow, +100 max damage, +10% min slow, +25 min damage.
The directly hit enemy takes both the impact and pulse damage.
The pulse takes 2 seconds to expand from the impact point to its max distance.
Pulse echoes have the same behavior as direct hit Batter Up echoes.

Hero Base
Louie's Weapon is a spectral baseball and enchanted baseball bat. The baseball floats near him while loaded. When firing, he hits the spectral baseball with his bat. When reloading, he conjures a spectral baseball with his left hand and places it in front of him.

DPS: 75
Ammo: 9
Bullets Per Sec: 3
Bullet Damage: 25
Light Melee: 63
Heavy Melee: 116

Health: 650
Health Regen: 1
Bullet Resist: 0%
Spirit Resist: 0%
Move Speed: 7m/s
Sprint Speed: 0m/s
Stamina: 3

The animation from the echo created by Batter Up grabs the spectral baseball bat as its created.
Pausing while in mid-air will create a baseball base for Louie to stand on. The base is purely cosmetic and has no collision.
Double Jumping also creates a baseball base for support.
Louie's slide is a baseballer's slide to base. While sliding, a pair of echo arms performs his baseball attack animations.
Killing a unit midair with a direct Echo Ball hit will send their corpse flying. Home run!

Hero Interactions
Abrams: Abrams worked on a case involving Louie's infidelity and gambling, which led to a plea deal. Despite this, Louie respects Abrams' lawful ethos and determination to do the right thing.

Bebop: Louie doesn't know Bebop personally but respects his robotic enhancements for the sport of boxing.

Dynamo: Louie is curious if Dynamo would be interested in being a baseball.

Infernus: Louie is friends with Infernus and frequents his bar.

Lady Geist: Louie knows about Lady Geist from New York socialites. He pities her fall from popularity and thinks she should move aside for the new blood.

Lash: Louie thinks Jacob Lash is an asshole.

McGinnis: Louie is greatly impressed at McGinnis' passion and drive for science.

Mo & Krill: Louie's familiarity with high and low society makes him keenly aware of NYC's underworld. He doesn't personally know Mo & Krill but has a good guess at what they do. He thinks they should keep hidden.
"The whole point of an underworld is that it stays under."

Paradox and Haze: He teases them for being so secretive. Underneath, he's jealous of them for having so much privacy.

Warden: Louie thinks Warden should calm down and reconsider his relationship with the Patrons. He also thinks he's a hypocrite for fighting with one Patron against another.

Wraith: Louie knows Wraith well due to his gambling habit. Despite being rich as hell, Louie is somehow in debt to Wraith. Neither of them let that get in the way of a strong friendship.
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Revision 1: Corrected spelling, made naming consistent, and changed Spectral Rush Echo's duration from 4.5 seconds to lasting as long as your Spectral Rush.

Alternate Ability Ideas
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Looks fun, the clones could also make a cheering noise when you kill someone with your ult, like in a packed stadium. How about this:

imagine if for his main weapon, you had to keep batting the same ball, bouncing it off of enemies. When you hit an enemy, the ball would go directly back towards you really quick. If you miss or hit a wall, the ball disappears and reappears again on your left hand, but hitting it this way would be way slower than just bouncing it, since now your character would have to throw it up into the air first. If you miss three times (sort of like 3 strikes), you would have to slowly summon another one, as a reload animation.
Looks fun, the clones could also make a cheering noise when you kill someone with your ult, like in a packed stadium. How about this:

imagine if for his main weapon, you had to keep batting the same ball, bouncing it off of enemies. When you hit an enemy, the ball would go directly back towards you really quick. If you miss or hit a wall, the ball disappears and reappears again on your left hand, but hitting it this way would be way slower than just bouncing it, since now your character would have to throw it up into the air first. If you miss three times (sort of like 3 strikes), you would have to slowly summon another one, as a reload animation.
Clever ideas! I like the echoes cheering a lot. Fits well with his one-man-team background.

I previously had a similar idea for the main weapon but hesitated because it seemed too punishing if you missed a shot or were moving around corners. It's a really fun concept, though, and maybe it could function as an alt-fire ability that takes 3 ammo. It would also be cool if hitting a ball to an echo caused them to start batting it as well.
I think the echos need to be able to be dispelled, maybe they only take bullet damage?
and if Double is silenced they should instantly disappear.