long range accuracy


instead of increasing zoom, long range and sharpshooter should reduce bullet spread. you don't really need much zoom in this game. as far as the damage boost goes, the "minimum distance" aspect is kinda janky. it doesn't really increase the range at which your gun deals good damage because the damage falloff is so sharp. rather, you have to be in this very specific midrange window to get the damage boost, which is just unintuitive. perhaps rather than a damage boost, you could have no damage falloff? i think that would make for a better item. also imo shields are just not very good, i'd rather have damage resist. but that's less important than the other changes
I agree with the problem here. I think much of the jank comes from the lack of feedback around the damage boost. But, I think it's healthy to still have damage fall off, even for long range builds, Maybe the solution is to make the damage fall off at a longer range and give the player more feedback? ie something like enemies are lightly highlighted green or red when aiming down sights depending on if the damage boost is active
I agree with the problem here. I think much of the jank comes from the lack of feedback around the damage boost. But, I think it's healthy to still have damage fall off, even for long range builds, Maybe the solution is to make the damage fall off at a longer range and give the player more feedback? ie something like enemies are lightly highlighted green or red when aiming down sights depending on if the damage boost is active
having no damage falloff instead of a different item that would just boost damage is a pretty major tradeoff in itself. most people would still go for point blank or intensifying magazine instead. you have to compare it to other items in the same category.
Another thread of wanting long range. Game wasnt designed for that yet, you even get struck by lightning if you get too high. No to this item.
If its allowed you will get people sniping you for full damage from their guardians or people camping roof of midboss bulding. since it provides access to 2 lanes at once.

Shield is one in all package but trade off is they do not scale with resistances or anything, flat damage block and long recharge without cd. Also it provides really good benefits while you shielded.
Another thread of wanting long range. Game wasnt designed for that yet, you even get struck by lightning if you get too high. No to this item.
If its allowed you will get people sniping you for full damage from their guardians or people camping roof of midboss bulding. since it provides access to 2 lanes at once.

Shield is one in all package but trade off is they do not scale with resistances or anything, flat damage block and long recharge without cd. Also it provides really good benefits while you shielded.
yeah snipers snipe. if sightlines are a problem, change the map. or just be aware of vindicta's laser. pay attention and it won't be a problem