live match spectating bugs


New member
Live matches have a 1 minute delay when spectating now but the game ignores that when playing some sound cues and while the game ends.

-some sound cues like taking down shrines or rejuvenator descending play 1 minute early
-victory screen shows up 1 minute early and it actually boots you from spectating, preventing to watch the very end of the match

Game basically spoils some stuff and boots you 1 minute early from spectating a live match
In the few games I've spectated, most audio cues have been off by exactly 30 seconds. The music for midboss showing up will play 30 seconds earlier then it should but the announcer line and roar sound effect will play at 10 minutes in game still. I've also seen killfeed trackers for walkers and towers pop up 30 seconds earlier then expected, but that's been less consistent.
It seems like the killfeed also is out of sync when it comes to environment (walkers/guardians/midboss) related notifications. Just confirmed with a walker being destroyed that the notification was shown 30 seconds before it actually happened.