Live games not appearing under Watch


New member

I've been watching Deadlock streams on twitch lately. I wanted to view them side-by-side with the in-game client, but sometimes the games are not there, no matter how many pages I flip. These matches are usually with known skilled players that frequent the "Featured Games" tab, but no matter how many pages I flip I cannot find their game. (Also, devs, if you read this please add an ability to spectate a game just by searching up its matchID, currently just says "can't view because its live")

I will be collecting a list of matchIDs that do not appear under the watch tab when they should. May post twitch VODs of "0 spectators" if I'm given permission to by the streamers. Unsure how to post proof of this. (showing a video of a twitch stream live, then flipping pages?)

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