List of bugs specific to the Steam Deck (28 Sept)


New member
A. Mirage Ult keybind launches the main menu concurrently.

Replication steps:-
1. Go to the hero sandbox
2. Select Mirage
3. Assuming the Ult key is binded to "B", press B
4. Mirage's Ult interface opens, concurrently, the main menu screen opens as well.

1. Closing the main menu and attempting to unselect Mirage's Ult by pressing "B" opens the main menu again.
2. Most other characters do not have such bugs (i didn't test everyone fyi)
3. This bug is not tested in matches.

B. Inability to open shop / replay death upon death of character during matches.

Replication steps:-

1. Assuming that the launch command "SteamDeck=0 %commands%" is included in launch options, open deadlock and launch any mode (e.g. Play with public bots, play with private bots, Normal game, it doesn't matter)
2. Select any character and play normally as usual
3. Upon the character's death, the default shop bind will not work in the "death spectator" mode, attempts to rebind the "open shop" menu / "B" will not work. Same goes with replay death bind.