Lisa Williams: The Tenacious Reporter


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Lisa Williams has an uncanny knack for discovering the truth: she seems to be in the right place at the right time. With her independent reporting style she often finds herself butting heads with Detective Abrams, who prefers to keep things under wraps and out of the spotlight. Her successful article <about something lore related with the ritual idk insert here lol> launched her in the public spotlight and kickstarted her career with a major newspaper publisher in New York City. One peaceful morning while writing for the paper her pager violently vibrates: a tasty, career propelling scoop. Straight from the boss, editor-in-chief: "A ritual happening in lower Manhattan. Investigate NOW." Williams can taste the success on her lips, living in an apartment in Harlem she's a hop, skip and a jump from all the action. This time, she wants more: to go deeper than no other reporter has in the city, no, the world has gone before. Lisa Williams will participate in the ritual and it'll be her experience, her words, her truth that will be written and read by everyone. All she needs is fare for the 1 Line.

Hero Kit/Design:
Photography, print newspapers, reporting.
Probably could include portal references for memes.
Primary weapon doesn't use ammo and doesn't need reloading. Uses a cooldown/overheat system. Probably still does bullet damage?

Lisa makes adjustments to her digital camera, causing the next [x] photos/seconds Lisa takes to stack a 1% slow for each successful picture taken.

Intense Exposure:
Lisa over clocks her digital camera, causing it to have a rapid fire rate with no cooldown restriction for [x] seconds. Afterwards, Lisa's camera overheats, she is disarmed for an additional [x] seconds.

Lisa makes Aperture adjustments to her camera, causing a beam of light to appear. The beam will overheat the camera, but damages and slows all enemies hit. If Lisa channels this ability for [x] seconds enemies will become blinded.

Pocket Camera:
Lisa whips out a disposable camera, taking a picture. Enemies captured by the photo are blinded. Afterwards, Lisa throws the disposable camera stunning all enemies in a radius. If enemies are blinded and stunned, the blind duration is extended.

Elodie Rakoto
Jackie Aina
Doja Cat
Ms Bellum's Hair Physics

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I like the idea of including a partner of Abrams', however I think you should do more to distinguish this character from being a simple human focused around journalist themed abilities. It didn't even occur to me that Abrams is an investigator because there's more going on about him. I think you should aspire to distinguishing your character just as much so they seem less one-note.
I like the idea of including a partner of Abrams', however I think you should do more to distinguish this character from being a simple human focused around journalist themed abilities. It didn't even occur to me that Abrams is an investigator because there's more going on about him. I think you should aspire to distinguishing your character just as much so they seem less one-note.
her schtick is to be the only sane woman among a roster of psychos

unless you're saying you want her to have some sort of paranormal abilities or something