Legion (RATS)

Legion is a group of spirits that have inhabited big rats and work in unison as if one entity.

This unified rat entity would have the shape of a humanoid, maybe in a trenchcoat like the proverbial 'three kids in a trenchcoat', but instead of three kids it's dozens of big rats as the hands, feet, head, everything. A rat or two will skitter across Legion occasionally.

Maybe they have a mask for a face.

What would their kit be? No idea. If this idea was really liked I could come up with a rough draft.
Maybe an ability is like Phantom Lancer's "Doppelganger", where you POOF into 6-8 decoy big rats that all scatter in different directions and the player is one of those rats, so it's an escape. After X seconds, if not killed, Legion turns into their normal self. Maybe when activated all rats, including the player, have a fraction of the player's total health.

Maybe to give it more utility than just an escape, during the ability the rats cause ticking damage to nearby enemies.