Launching the game via exe causes severe issues.


Most people will probably not have this issue, but I realized that by pinning the program to my task bar and launching it that way instead of through steam I was causing my game to have several issues.

1. Some commands would not work. Region override being the main example.

2. The game would freeze intermittently during certain effects. Warden flask, Grey Talon ult, etc. (not every time, but it seemed to be agitated by this)

3. After freezing and sometimes intermittently on its own there would be interpolation issues.

I've attached a video example of the freezing/interpolation issue.

It may be appropriate to give some kind of warning to people about this issue.

View attachment Replay 2024-07-06 08-03-09.mp4
I can attest to the freezing / intermittent performance. A friend was Discord-streaming his game and I was seeing this. He was initially describing it as "lag spikes".
We were playing a co-op bot-match trying to troubleshoot. Found out he had the game pinned to his Windows Taskbar; he then closed the game, unpinned, re-launched thru Steam, and rejoined the on-going co-op match - he suffered no more issues.